Logfile from Two Moons - Belynrath.
Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJa) A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size. It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy and you can see some of the scars left by the terrible blaze on the snow covered branches. Snow lies piled around the trees roots and in drifts around the Father Tree. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwined and now snow collects atop them, occasionally crashing down to the ground below. You awaken in the cold winter night to the sound of cracking and snow falling, perhaps from branches above.
Belynrath is at teh far edge of the clearing, collecting capnuts from the ground. His shoulders are tense, and his motions stiff... If Skywise were here, he'd say the lad was having girl problems.... He wouldn't be far from worng.
Cutter steps out of the father tree and stretches languidly. He watches the young Underworlder for a moment before sending a greeting, **Shade.**
Belynrath stiffens before looking over, his face hidden byt he mask. Oh.. Lord Lostholt. **Darkness,** he replies, his send tight and drawn.
Cutter arches a brow at the tenseness of the send and can't help asking, **What burr has crawled under your tail?**
Belynrath returns to his late season capnut hunt. He's not beig all that successful. Silly undeerworlder... Doens't her know they aren't in season? **No burr. No tail.**
Cutter's laughter cuts into the stillness of the clearing, **I believe you know what I mean, young lordling.** he sends with a wry grin. The former chieftain moves over to a nearby root and takes a seat, making himself quite comfortable with his back resting against the father tree's massive trunk.
Belynrath sighs roughly, his head dropping. He turns to look at Cutter, **What do you want?** His eyes are clouded, hurt?
Cutter shrugs his shoulders then and some of the humor leaves his expression, instead there is genuine curiosity and a want for understanding there, **A straight answer would be nice.**
Belynrath moves over. As he breaks the treeline, it's clear he was completely unsuccessful. He's still being followed, by two guards.
You locksend ** A stright answer,** he whispers. **I don't see how it's any of your business. ** to Cutter.
Cutter tips his head to one side and the two guards back, signalling that he's watching the young Underworlder for the time being.
Cutter locksends ** It's no wonder the Underworld is so divided... when you can't even share your thoughts and feelings with others, there can't be understanding between each other. **
Belynrath sneers under his mask, the scent changing slightly as he does.
You locksend ** .......... ** to Cutter.
Cutter seems to pay no attention to the sneer, instead he shrugs his shoulders, soon enough, Redlance and Krim return to take up their posts as guards as Cutter gets to his feet and stretches once more. A flicker of send magic from him soon has Ashefur careening across the clearing to stop beside his bond for a lupine greeting of scritchings and playful wrestling. **Fine, keep your thoughts to yourself, young one. I have other things to do besides sit here and pry them out of you.**
Belynrath tenses as the wolf enterst he area, taking quick steps back. Belynrath watches the wolf and elf, and frowns. Useless anyway. Not like these halfbloods even care. He turns and moves to stalk off, **My apologiez for disturbing you then.**
Cutter looks up from his greeting of Ashefur and sighs as the smile fades from his face, **You did not disturb me, Belynrath.** His send is somewhat withdrawn as far as emotion is concerned. He does note the Underworlder stepping back from Ashefur and his brows arch, **Why do you suddenly fear Ashefur? He has done you no harm, has he?**
Belynrath keeps his eyes on Ashfur, the nervousness drifint from him on the wind, **I am... still, unused to wolves.** No, dude. They scare the piss out of you.
Cutter catches the scent on the air as does Ashefur but, a send from Cutter soon has the wolf lying down though his amber gaze follows the Underworlder's every motion. The kinseeker's brows drift into a frown, **What has happened that causes you to fear the wolves or is it simply Ashefur that bothers you?**
Belynrath takes one last step back. Okay... that's enough to give him plenty of time to draw, brace, and stab. **I've never been around them long enough to not be wary, I suppose.** Of course, being attacked by Northwind's bond probably didn't help things.
Ashefur makes no move to get back to his massive paws, instead, he lays there with a lupine grin on his furred features with his tongue lolling out one side of his mouth. Cutter looks between the wolf and the elf then crossees his arms over his chest, **Alright.. what happened? You have been in this holt how long and you're suddenly this nervous around the wolves?**
Belynrath forces his gaze from the wolf. Trying to play cooler and calmer than he is, Belynrath takes the time and effort to school his mind into an emotionless void. His mother would be proud! ;> **It is a matter being settled by Chief Lostholt.**
Cutter nods then, **Well, apparantly it is nothing of great consequence then if you don't care enough to tell me why my bond bothers you so. I suppose if it is Ashefur alone, I will hear about it soon enough.**
Belynrath sends, his mind still schooled, **Something provoked Northwind's bond, and it attacked. I am now, far more leary of them than I was of late.**
Cutter's brows shoot high up on his forehead, **Were you afraid of it as well?** he queries.
**She and the wolf caught me unawares. I was weary, but nothing more, until he growled, and she continually pressed about a matter I would have preferred dropped and forgotten,** her replies. Odd, how easy it is to talk to this elf. The rest... their minds are so... unnerving? Perhaps its the strong of will behind it, or Cutter's knowledge and experience in dealing with underworlders. Belynrath's somewhat conforted by the almost familiar form of interrogation.
Cutter nods his head slightly, **You must not show fear to the wolves. They are preditors and the scent is as intoxicating to them as Leetah's perfume is to me.**
You had to say that didn't you? Beneath the mask Belynrath blushes. Okay.... he knows exactly what that's like... completely. Yeah. His eyes drift to the wolf again, though still tense he's more curious again, like he was before. **I understand. My thanks for clearing it up.** He looks to Cutter again, **You are... far more imformative than many others here.**
Cutter chuckles and shakes his head, **As I have told you before, ours is a way of sharing. All you need do is ask and if we have the answers, they are freely given.**
**You, above all others here, seem to know, ** he replies, **Nothing is freely given where I'm from.** Not even love. whimper! **It is difficult to understand how it can be so here.** Belynrath turns to go back to his cold den, **As Northwind said... I should adapt.**
Cutter smiles then, **If you truly wish to know.. I can show you what it means to be a Wolfrider...**
Belynrath stops. He thinks baout it. Cirksa would kill him. Anothe part of his mind snorts, like she even cares about you anymore. Another part rises in her defense, of course she does! She's just looking out for you! The another part snorts, Please. If she did care, she wouldn't have insisted you give everything up just for one night of. Oh shut up, the other side cuts in. The inner struggles clear in the set of the young elf's shoulders. He turns, his send soft, **I'll... consider it. Right now, I must lern to be self-sufficient.**
Cutter nods and resists the urge to chuckle, **I'll be here when you've thoughtt long enough.**
Belynrath nods, **I'd like to start with the hunting, if you're able. I realize there is little to find right now.** The young elf is holding as much of his emotions back as he can.
Cutter nods, **That we can do.**
Belynrath nods functionally again. **I know silence, but this world is far different. I have yet ot learn to move it in.** Try taking off the coat, dumbass! ;>
Cutter does chuckle this time, **Perhaps if you didn't catch on every branch and twig...** he suggests.